Form One 2018
Form One 2018
Did you know that your thoughts determines a lot what your life will be by carefully nurturing your thought process? Our thoughts have hidden power to determine what will happen in future pertaining our success. We are a product of our thought process. Positive thinking is also called possibility is a pattern of thought where you tune your mind to focus on things that have potential for a good outcome while ignoring things which tend to derail your success trajectory. If you think positive, you think success and definitely you are likely to succeed.
Success in life does not depend on your current situation but the effort you put now towards achieving you life goals.The power of positive thinking has made some individual rise from grass to grace by concentrating what matters most in their lifes. Success and failures are strange bed fellows;one is a contrast of another. Successful people decides to be succesful while failures decides to failure by not taking action. Sometimes in life we create the right environment for failure by not taking any action when it is absolutely neccessary to do so.Whether by Choice or utter ignorance, inertia in life has led to failures of many people in life. We must keep moving, struggling and making the right choices.
By Form two 2018
Form Five 2018
You’ll never know how strong you are until when being strong is the only choice you’ve got. Many of us are likely to stay comfortable when things are okay but starts running helter Skelter when things starts going heyway. We like staying in comfort zones and are allergic to disruptive environment. Life can be very merciless to individuals who lacks action and lets everything happen on its own.
.We are born with amazing powers and potentials which can enable us change the destiny of our life if we so wish. Your role as a student is to discover and unearth that hidden potential within you. Many of us wastes precious chances in their life by not following their heart desires. You are likely to do well in life if you pursue what you like and not what you think is popular.For this reason it is important to listen to your inner voice; what does the inner voice tell you? Follow your heart but take your brains with you.Many life Success stories involve people who followed their passion in life. Says, Arnold Laurent Mushi and Friends
Form One 2018
Always remember stars can’t shine without darkness as well as a person can’t succeed without hardships so don’t give up easily. You cannot polish a bar of Gold without friction.Hard things are put on the way not to stop us but to motivate us. Life has taught many successful people that; when things looks harder then success is beckoning; only that you have to keep struggling. Unfortunately many people gives up when they are about to succeed, they just lack consistency and determination to finish the race. The former president of united states of America once said that, they dont go to the moon because it is easy but because it is difficult.We are likely to succeed in life if we strive to solve problems and seeing challenges as a motivator but not something to run away from.An athlete ussually trains in high grounds when preparing for a competition. It is not easy to train in higher attitude; but such an exposure gives you an opportunity to harden your body so that when you compete in normal attitude you will just find it as a walk in the park.
.That is how life is, if we expose our selves to hard or difficult things, automatically we are likely to excell in normal tasks. Train hard so that you can complete life tasks more conviniently. We should never give self doubt a chance in our life as we struggle to meet this daunting tasks.When you doubt yourself; you kill the will-power to transform your life and begin to degenerate gradually.Finally in all your struggles, do not forget to pray. Says, Dorine Mshiu
Form One 2018
Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they have been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is potential. Impossible is not a fact it is an opinion, it is not a declaration it’s a dare. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing. In The Word impossible, there is possible, thus impossible Just Mean I’m possible. Work hard to turn your impossibility into possibility. As a student; we should ensure that we turn impossibilities to possibilities by working extra hard.Many people have not been able to make it in life because of thinking they cant. this is due to be acustomed by constant failure in things they attempt
.When encountered by a problem, the faintt hearted will say in their mind that this is not possible. Once they imagine that it is not possible, then they start to give up and even if they try to do it, they do it haphazardly.It is important to know that our attitude determines whether we fail or succeed in whatever we do.Always develop a positive mind.
Form One 2018
Form Three 2018
Form Six 2018
Form Six 2018
Form Six 2018
Form Six 2018
Form One 2018
Secretary General 2018